Those who study astrology know that the changing appearance of the moon can have an impact both on your feelings and the intensity of your emotions. If you’re struggling to find a way to both celebrate the full moon and maintain a sense of calm during the brightest nights, the tips below can help.
Release Agitation
Nurses, teachers and the police often claim that people are more aggressive during the full moon. Children may be more agitated at school. Criminals may be more active, and late night activities can result in a busier emergency room environment.
If you find that the full moon leaves you feeling agitated, use this time to air out and clean your space. If possible, open the windows. Light a candle that offers a simple scent, such as plain vanilla.
Clean your home during the full moon. Strive to tackle the big projects. Move your furniture around. Pull all the books off your shelves and dust everything. Empty your kitchen cabinets and your pantry and scrub everything down. Rearrange your possessions in such a way that your life is easier and your daily tasks are more manageable.
If your body is agitated, it may be hard to organize your mind and your spirit may be struggling to stay calm. Move your body and do your best to work up a good sweat. Jog or racewalk with your best friend. Get your bike out and go for a long ride as the sun goes down. If you can tire out your body by the time the moon is up, your brain will come into focus for your benefit.
Reap Rewards
To make your full moon more enjoyable, make a list at the new moon. What would you like to improve in your life? Do you want more logical finances or a more manageable budget? Would you like to eat a healthier diet? Are you looking for a job that suits your talents more effectively?
The time to start working toward these goals is during the new moon. Make yourself a note of what you want to accomplish by the full moon on the day of the new moon. Put this note front and center; make several copies and put one on your bathroom mirror, one on the refrigerator and one on the steering wheel of your car.
Every time you take in food, care for your body or travel, you’ll be reminded of this goal. Your behaviors will change based on this new focus. Don’t aim for a big overall goal. Instead, aim for small improvements in daily actions.
On the day of the full moon, make another list of the positive choices you’ve made. If you have a friend who also follows astrology, share your new moon list and your full moon celebrations. Meet in person if possible to celebrate your changes.
Lower Pressure
Many people who are especially impacted by the moon can feel overloaded during the days around the full moon. As the moon wanes, or becomes visible on the left, you may be in better control of this energy. As the moon waxes, you may go from overloaded to exhausted.
To lower the pressure of the full moon, make a blessings list. Use beautiful paper and a felt-tip pen to create a formal document of what is truly precious to you. Take a plain piece of notebook paper and a pencil to write down negative connections and memories. As you tear off the negative features, burn them or crumple them into a tiny ball before discarding them.
There’s a reason that we associate werewolves with the full moon; the sense of extreme pressure that some people feel can leave them feeling so hurt that they wish to hurt others. A blessings list, particularly one that includes the names of those you love, can help you fight the urge to scratch, tear, and bite in an act of self-preservation.
Tear away names of those who have insulted you. Tear away experiences, even simple acts of unintentional rudeness. Experiences from old abusers to bad customer service are worthy of note and worthy of the act of destruction. In destroying the connection between them and you, you take back control.
Bathe in the Light
After a ritual cleansing of your home and a tearing away of hurtful relationships, it’s time to get into the light. If you have a balcony, stretch out in a comfortable chair in the moonlight. If you have a car, drive away from the city and find a clearing where you can soak up some moonlight.
Those who live in cold country have a unique opportunity on the night of a full moon. Because the moon is a reflective light source, rather than a generator of light, you can get dig more deeply into the clean power of reflective light by spending time in or on the snow.
A full moon over a field of cold snow is a remarkable experience. Get outside and make an angel in the snow. Get out your cross-country ski gear and make some tracks across a fresh field of snow. If it’s really cold, get out your skates and find a frozen lake where you can study how the reflected light of the moon glows off of a new bank of snow.
Moonlight brings out secrets that you might not see if you omit such rituals. Consider planting a few flowers that bloom at night, such as the evening primrose. Paint your outdoor furniture white to create an oasis that will glow in moonlight. Set your goals on the night of the new moon and let the energy of the moon help you to make better choices until they can be studied under the light of the new moon.