A new moon happens when the moon’s orbit becomes perfectly sandwiched between the sun and Earth. Astrology considers this situation for the moon as “conjunct,” meaning it is joined to the sun. Since the moon reflects sunlight, it vanishes from sight during this portion of the lunar cycle.
Symbolism of the New Moon
The new moon is a time for new beginnings. After all, the new moon is both the start of a new cycle and a marker for the end of the last cycle. We are given time to pause and reflect on the cyclical nature of existence. When every beginning is also an end, how will each of us make peace with the constant filling and emptying of concerns and needs that life requires of us?
As far as astrology is concerned, the sun represents the spiritual self and the moon represents the physical/emotional self. When these two celestial bodies become conjunct during the period of the new moon, it may be best to think of it as gestation. While the moon sheds no light, there is a deep, meaningful connection that brings two into one. This is the time when the physical and emotional selves can rest and recharge in the “womb” of your spirit. There is no separation during a new moon.
Conjunction is significant as it signals a point where separate aspects join and meld in order to achieve a singular path of perfection. Alchemy and its efforts to combine disparate metals is one form of conjunction; the new moon is another form. The sun and men, which were recently working in tandem during the full moon, only to separate, join up with each other in pursuit of perfection. When you understand that the sun and moon unite and divide only to reunite in a perpetual process of perfection, it can do wonders for achieving a sense of peace and calm in the universe. It is this relationship, or alchemy, between spirit and flesh that can be attuned to by abiding by the cycles of the new moon and the full moon.
Psychologically, the sun is awareness and consciousness; the moon is emotion. The new moon is a time when we can best analyze how our emotions come and go. Surrounded in darkness, the new moon strips us of our ability to see the reflections of what we want to see. Only by communing with this darkness can we move forward. Consider the new moon to be the perfect time to cleanse and re-center your emotional self.
Every New Moon is Different
It can be easy to focus on the notion that every new moon brings the same insight but this is a delusion. Every lunar cycle is in a different sign of the zodiac, meaning it will have a specific “flavor” and fall somewhere else within your personal birth chart, as dictated by the planets. Every new moon invites you to consider some aspect of your life and psyche. Let yourself become attuned to the vast emptiness of the new moon by familiarizing yourself with your natal chart.
How The New Moon Affects You
We know that the full moon brings high tides, but what about the new moon? Despite falling at the opposite end of lunar orbit, like a pendulum, even the new moon causes waves. The swing of a pendulum is a lot like the tides of the new and full moons; the full moon is external and swings away while the new moon is internal and swings toward.
While some consider the new moon to be a state of emptiness and void, it is still a heightened state. Meditation during the new moon can help you become better attuned to its state of darkness. Being shrouded in darkness is a thing of beauty, not evil, as it helps you become aware of the void and the cosmic womb.
Things to Do During the New Moon
The new moon has long been regarded as the perfect time to seed new endeavors. This means that it is often discussed as a time for setting intentions for the next lunar cycle. Something that fewer people may be aware of is that the moon was not considered “new” until you could see her light return from the darkness. That said, do not interpret these ancient practices to imply that you should not set goals and intentions during the new moon. Understanding the new moon’s place in the cosmos can help us better understand the lunar cycle as a whole.
During the exact period of the new moon, there is total darkness. Meditations during this time may conjure forth a nuanced relationship with assessing and setting intentions. Ponder what has come with the previous cycle of, such as what you abandoned, and ask within the darkness of your meditation to see what may come to be. By practicing in this manner, you can gain an immense amount of insight into the natural processes of the world. You may also find yourself less willing to cling to ephemeral ideas and notions that might obscure your connection to the alignment of the cosmos. There is no need to be completely ascetic during this time, feel free to seek out your wants and desires, but it is best that you use the time of the new moon’s influence to listen for what may come and what you should focus on once the moon’s light reappears. the best approach is to treat life with curiosity rather than suppositions and dictates.
Treat every new moon as an opportunity to undergo this meditation and think of it like revisiting the womb, the most important time in a kid’s life. Embrace this womb of darkness and gestation and use it to receive nourishment. The new moon is a time to connect with something beyond yourself and can give you the initial guidance on pursuing the path of self-actualization until you can check in for a refresher when the next new moon arrives.